Wildland Firefighter Austin Womack Wildland Firefighter Austin Womack

Wildland Firefighter Muscle Recovery: 3 Tools to Keep in Your Line Pack

As a wildland firefighter, you know all too well the physical demands of the job and the toll it takes on your body. From hiking through rugged terrain to carrying heavy gear and equipment, your muscles are constantly in use. But recovery is just as important as the work itself to avoid injuries and burnout.

In this article, we’ll discuss three tools you can keep in your pack to help with muscle recovery on the job.

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How Do You Calculate Your Anaerobic Threshold

One important aspect of fitness is understanding your anaerobic threshold (Ant) – the point during exercise at which your body switches from predominantly using oxygen to using stored energy in muscles. This threshold can be measured and used to develop an effective training program that pushes you towards the point of exhaustion while still allowing for recovery.

Here is a simple test you can do yourself to determine your AnT based on your fitness level.

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Boost Running Performance With "Strides"

What are Strides?

Strides, also known as sprint intervals or pick-ups, involve incorporating short bursts of speed into a run. Typically, a stride lasts between 20-30 seconds and takes place on flat or slightly inclined terrain. Strides are performed at a higher intensity, faster pace, and with a more significant range of motion than a regular jog.

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How to Pass the Wildland Firefighter Work Capacity Pack Test

Wildland firefighting is a demanding and physically challenging occupation that requires proper training, equipment, and fitness to ensure safety and effectiveness. One essential requirement for all wildland firefighters is the completion of the work capacity pack test. This test measures an individual's ability to work efficiently while carrying a pack loaded with firefighting gear and supplies. In this blog post, we’ll provide helpful tips and advice to help you pass the wildland firefighter work capacity pack test successfully.

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