Rugged Periodization: New Course Launches Jan 1!

I’m having trouble even expressing how much this project means to me, and how pumped I am to make it for y’all. I’ll try to make this somewhat brief but I want to give y’all a look into what has gone into building this project.


Back in 2007, when I was a freshmen in high school, I designed my first training program for myself. I spent all 4 years of high school completely obsessed with researching strength and conditioning to help me achieve my dream of playing college baseball. I was the smallest kid on every team I played on so I knew I had to crush it in the weight room to accomplish my goals. My love for program design grew exponentially in college as I was determined to wring every ounce of athletic ability out of myself throughout my 4 years as a college baseball player.


In 2014 I graduated from college and my baseball career ended. I took that same level of obsession that I towards baseball and immediately applied it to my strength and conditioning career. I’m honestly not sure if obsessed is a strong enough word. Nearly every spare minute of the day was filled with listening to podcasts, watching videos, and reading books. I remember I would stay up til 2am some nights reading Eric Cressey articles. I really could not consume information fast enough and I loved it.

Around that time I began to develop a strong desire to start creating my own content and build a brand for myself. I started my own blog on when I was a senior in college and started writing about how I was training myself to finish my senior year. The early years of my career I focused mainly on my blog but I had other adventures as well including starting my own podcast back in 2016. (Big shoutout to you if you were around for the Baseball Strength Podcast era that lasted like 17 episodes haha).


Over the last 10 years of creating strength and conditioning content I’ve always had the goal to make a product like Rugged Periodization. I’ve made a few eBooks and sold a few training programs over the years, but I’ve never created anything even close to as big or as valuable (IMO) as Rugged Periodization. This product truly is a culmination of the last 15+ years of research and experience I’ve gained through playing college baseball, coaching in the MLB, fighting wildfires, serving in the US Army, and coaching firefighters.


Lastly, if I can be vulnerable for a second, the imposter syndrome has been pretty rough throughout process of creating this product. Questions like what if no one buys it, or what if people think it’s not worth the price seem to be getting louder and louder in my head the more I work on this project, and it’s honestly why I’ve waited until now to make this announcement. Before this post the only person who knew I’ve been working on this is my wife. Now that I’ve made this announcement I feel better, like there’s no turning back. I’ve put it out there to the world and whatever happens, happens. At the end of the day I feel really proud of how I know this product will turn out and I’m pumped knowing that it has the potential to help a lot of people.


So with all that, thank y’all so much for taking a minute to read what I have to share. BOLO for a ton of program design content leading up to Jan 1!! Let’s go!!!


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