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6 In-Season Fitness Tips for Wildland Firefighters

As you know, fighting wildfires is an extremely physically demanding job. Wildland firefighters need to be fit and strong to handle the grueling conditions on the fireline. However, with the long hours, stress, and unpredictable nature of the job, it can be challenging to maintain a regular workout routine during the fire season. To help you stay fit and healthy, we've put together some in-season training strategies for wildland firefighters that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

  1. Get Training in Whenever You Can.

The key to staying fit during the fire season is doing what you can. Even if you only have 15-20 minutes of free time while staging, use it to do quality movement exercises that can help maintain your fitness level. Whether it's pushups, squats, or lunges, every little bit helps. Use your surroundings to your advantage to create a workout routine that works for you. Cubies and Dolmars make great dumbbell substitutes. Bodyweight exercises go a long way too!

Be smart during R&R too. Use that time to recover and be with family/friends, but also take advantage of that time to get some good movement in.

2. Prioritize Stretching and Mobility.

Stretching and mobility work are essential for maintaining muscle flexibility and joint mobility. Doing a good warm-up before every shift helps prepare your body. Incorporate some dynamic stretching exercises like lunges, hip rotations, and leg swings. Before bed add some static stretches like hamstring stretches, calf stretches, and shoulder stretches. Also, incorporate yoga poses like downward dog, warrior, and pigeon to improve mobility.

3. Do Daily Soft Tissue Work.

Tight muscles and restricted range of motion can impede your performance and cause injuries. Doing daily soft tissue work like trigger point therapy, foam rolling, and using a lacrosse ball can help improve blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and promote faster recovery. Use foam rollers to release tension in your calves, quads, hamstrings, and back. Use a lacrosse ball on the bottom of your feet to roll out knots and improve flexibility.

4. Practice Meditation or Mindfulness.

Firefighting is a highly stressful job that can take a toll on your mental health. Practicing meditation or mindfulness can help reduce stress, improve focus, and boost mental resilience. Set aside some time every day to sit in silence and focus on your breath. Use apps like Headspace, Calm, or Insight Timer to help guide you through a meditation practice.

5. Stay Hydrated Every Single Day.

I have a saying: “treat hydration like a 24/7 job.” Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining performance and preventing heat exhaustion and dehydration during firefighting. Drink water early and often and I recommend using a high quality electrolyte supplement on those really tough days. Also, do your best to avoid ultra sugary drinks, and excessive caffeine. I know you need caffeine, just don’t get too excessive with it!

6. Do Whatever You Can To Increase Sleep Quantity and Sleep Quality.

Sleep is essential for recovery, mental clarity, and performance. However, spiking out for 14 days straight, or trying to get quality sleep in a busy, loud fire camp can. Some tips to improve sleep include:

  • Invest in a quality sleeping pad and an inflatable pillow. Trust me, this makes a huge difference!

  • Try utilizing tools such as sleep masks and/or ear plugs to help you block out sleep disruptors

  • Avoid using your phone right before bed and when your finally laying down

  • Limit caffeine intake after 1400-1500

Maintaining fitness and health during the fire season is crucial to perform at your best as a wildland firefighter. With these in-season training strategies, you can keep your body strong, flexible, and resilient throughout the fire season. Whether it's finding opportunities to train during downtime, prioritizing stretching and mobility, or using soft tissue work to speed up recovery, every little bit helps. Incorporating mindfulness, hydration, and quality sleep into your daily routine can also help promote mental and physical well-being.